Friday, July 22, 2011

Personal interest

At first glance the title of this post sounds like a FBI term. Looking for persons of interest, but not quite what i am going to be writing about tonight. It became apparent the other night while chatting with a coworker about texting that most people don't have the time to call each other anymore. He told me that he prefers calling and talking on the phone with others. I replied yeah but what if they don't have time to talk? He gave me a puzzled look like what but they can text? I continued on defending my friends and texting until i realized that he was right. Why people cant take time to sit down and call someone to talk but they can take time to send a text i just don't know. People today are overworking themselves. Always constantly on the go, just take the stereotypical soccer mom image and that's basically Americans today. Always constantly running from here to there, seldom if ever taking the time to slow down and appreciate life. This past year, i learned the benefit of slowing down and taking appreciation of what is going on around me. The beauty of the trees in fall, the wonderful white cold texture of a fresh snowfall in the winter blanketing the world. The fresh crisp air after a major rainfall in the spring, and the beautiful orange color the sun turns as in sets in the summer night. I guess what I'm saying is it doesn't really make a difference if a person texts you or calls you all that matters is that they slow down and take an interest into your life. Enjoy your days, and call someone you haven't talked to in awhile ya never know could change their life.

Friday, July 15, 2011


So I was at work last night and suddenly i realized people get all fanatical about movies. Dress up in costumes, wait for hours, become obsessed. People tie most of their emotions fully into the outcome of the movie. how the characters ultimate fate plays out they allow to affect their own fate and how they react to the movie. If the character dies they cry. If they survive they cheer and laugh. Ever stop to wonder why our relationship with Christ is not more like the relationship with the movie? Why don't we as followers of Christ, become obsessed with Him to the point of telling everyone about Him? If a person can go all out for a movie premiere why cant they go all out for Christ the one who died for them? Just doesn't make sense to me. I would like to encourage all of you to take a good hard look into where your prioritys lie in life and where your heart really is at. As its written in Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Cycle of life

No not the Elton John song. People being born and people succumbing to death everyday all around the world. Crazy to think about. More to come on this topic later...
Alright here we go ready to dive into the vast ocean of mortality? Well I got to thinking about this gruesome topic when i discovered that my mother had to attend her uncles funeral on my birthday and would not be able to celebrate with me then. Everyday people die some from natural causes and others from murderers and suicide. Yes i do not consider suicide a natural cause of death, you can debate that later. Somewhere there is that crazy statistic about how people die i think every 3 seconds. But at the same time people are being born constantly all around the world, well except in China. People being born and people dieing simple subject. What the person does with their life in between that bracket is what really matters. How people chose to live their lives and what the become is all up to them. Destiny or fate is all in the same path of the will of God. Everything happens for a reason the cliche saying that everyone has heard well the reason is GOD WANTED IT THAT WAY, so please stop making excuses for a crappy life and just pray about it. Well i think I'm slowly dieing now, but aren't people always dieing everyday just a little bit. Always deteriorating to the grave. Morbid yes. Reality yes. Don't wanta hear it then ya should have stopped reading and continued on in delusional dream life.