Monday, September 26, 2011

Learning Take Two

So I accidentaly wrote that entire last post in Aramaic whoops. But anyway still in the process of learning what God has planned for my life. I really do believe that God has a plan and a purpose for everything in life and that in His timing he will reveal that to us. In the meanwhile we are left to go through life living our lives in questioning of what Gods will for our lives really is and if we are or are not making the correct choices. This idea of time has really been big in my life this past week. 24hrs in a day. A simple statement but yet somehow I cant seem to remember what I do with that time. Sleep consumes over half of that time and eating attributes to that total but really what I am slowly beginning to figure out is that where you place your time is on what you truly value. A preacher once said what we spend time thinking about the most is our god. That got me thinking is what i think about really God all the time, is he really the center of my life? This past week i have learned more than i ever thought i could about myself and relationships with others and God. People tell me i think too much about life but i don't quite know if i believe that statement. If you never think about life then how do you know what your going to do, or how to react, or why you even do what you do? How do you know who you are if you don't take time to think about life's situations and in thinking also consulting with God. I might think a lot but that is better than the opposite of not even thinking at all right? The Lord has really been teaching me a lesson this year at college, it might not be anything academic but I am still being taught way more valuable lessons than my tuition money can afford. In the bible, the people of the day used to refer to Jesus as rabbi or teacher. I really agree with that title of Jesus as the teacher, because Gods lessons in life might take longer to fully comprehend but they are always the best lessons you will ever learn. I am learning about friendships, relationships, and balancing time between both of them while squeezing in academics. How much effort is really necessary to devote to a good quality friendship and encouraging them in the Lord? Should that really have a time clock on it? I really wish I knew the answer but I don't and that is what I wonder about often. As for relationships, my walk with God is more important to me personally than having a guy to hang out with and to care about. Don't take that the wrong way I do not want to become a nun. Heck no! But I believe that a good foundational relationship should be rooted in Gods word and helping each other grow up in the Lord by encouraging them and actually talking about what God is doing in their lives. Fellowship according to Websters means companionship, company or a community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience, or the quality or state of being comradely. I think that fellowship among believers is extremely important and that being apart of regularly going to a church is a great way to develop closeness and create those opportunity's to fellowship because when friends connect upon that close spiritual level they really do grow closer; both as friends and closer to God. Well I will write more about this later as time progresses.

Friday, September 16, 2011


At one point everyone has had one of those days where you have taken a step back and realized under the pressure of the everyday life that you find yourself laughing to the point of weeping at how your life has turned out?  I sure have, times like this when an unexpected curve ball gets thrown at you and you find yourself can honestly barely stand and find it hard to carry onward. You begin to realize how serious the world really is and you fight onward depending on the inner strength you didn't know you even had.

i grew up going to church