Sunday, December 11, 2011

Update on life...end of semester

Back in august i wrote about my year so far and I am glad to say that even as finals are approaching im still learning reliance and boldness for God. Over thanksgiving i had my wisdom teeth removed and so i had way more time to sit and do nothing than a person ever should have and i did just that i thought about life. Reflection abut how my life has been going and meditation about where god is calling me to do with my life. I considered getting baptized by felt that God was telling me to wait and to get baptized in a more personal setting that a dunk and go at campus church. For the past 2 weeks god has been working on me through other people I am continuing to learn daily the importance of living up to the potential and using the gifts that God has blessed me with to help others. You know its a God thing when relationships with friends go weird and the Lord blesses you with understanding and self control not to snap back and them and to just understand that stress affect others differently. I realized that being a woman of god is hard work and many people wont understand at first why I am striving to grow in my faith with god at first but eventually it will become evident and honestly I know that the lesson of making my faith MY own is the best thing i ever could have learned this past summer. Lately i will admit i have struggled with consistent closeness to God and have slacked in perusing him like i should but I am learning throughout this experience that the best thing about God is he is always there.  I recently realized that talking to others who have a strong sound relationship with God is a blessing and I really have come to enjoy talking with them about Godly things and how he is at work in my life. He is at work even if we don't understand and give Him the credit he deserves he is still doing wondrous things in our lives. I was asked the other day if i would ever consider taking a step in leadership and it really struck me as surprising because I had been feeling the Lord telling me step out and become bold for me and I will carry you through it like he did to Moses. Then later in the week another person asked me the same thing. I gave my excuses as to why i felt this wasn't my time to step up but really when i reflect back i think fear of judgement might be what held me back from taking that leap of faith and saying yes i will go step up and lead. Since then i have been praying about this and have had strange dreams about being in a position of authority over younger believers weird but not going to over analyze that, who knows maybe God is planting the seed in me to step up for Him. Who knows what God has in plan for me I know im waiting and honestly excited to see where God is leading me.  


Have you ever wondered why life has turned out the way that it has? Why you ever made the choices that you have made?  A couple weeks back i was having a discussion with my friend about the issue of weather or not there really is such a thing as free will. I happen to believe in God and his ability to govern the world and through the use of the holy spirit interact with us. Gods will for our lives can seem confusing and can really make you question a lot of things in life. I often wonder if the choices i make day to day are really the correct choices and if i am really using my time and my life effectively. I know that ultimately  God will make all things work together for his good and in turn my own good, because he knows far more than i ever will about choices and their consequences. So ultimately why wonder at all about anything if its all going to work out in the end? 

Monday, December 5, 2011


Here it is almost time for the holidays to happen. The stores have been decorated for weeks and the people are beginning to rush the stores like they are giving away merchandise. Its a bit crazy how insane people get over shopping for that perfect gift for their loved ones, like the person is really going to love you less if they don't like the gift you got them. please... that's just pathetic. I was thinking about this the other day about holidays, that's just it holiDAYs, a Holiday is just one day of the year. Why do people put forth such an extreme effort and go crazy over just another day out of the 365? What makes a day any more special than the next day. All of the anticipation and eager waiting for that day and then in a few hours poof its passed until next year. I think that maybe the reason people all over the world love holidays is because everyone deep down is looking for the good in the world and needs something to celebrate and feel glad about even if its just for a day. Don't be mistaken I understand that there are valid holidays that are for significant events that happened in history that need to be commemorated for the sake of the future generations to never forget, but also we all know about the commercialized holidays that are just a scam for stores to make an extra income by marketing scams. So my challange for you is to evaluate what your celebrating and why it is important for you specfically to celebrate it. If you cant think of why it is important to you then why are you celebrating it?