Sunday, April 29, 2012


Recently I have been watching too many military themed movies. Red Tails, Black Hawk Down, Act of Valor, are just a few. All of these movies make me recognize the fact that America might be called the "land of the free and the home of the brave" but at the expense that people pay. The brave that call America home, are the ones that seldom return to enjoy the freedom. Military personal are being killed and sacrificing themselves everyday in the battlefields for US. Are we living as free people should be living? If anyone who served came back and saw the way that we are living would they still be proud to say they fight for us? Would you want to give your life to protect a bunch of gangsters, drug addicts, club rats, slackers, unemployed people, broken  sinners? 
Jesus did. He died for US and protected us from death and sin consequences. 


The other day I was thinking about writing but never got the chance to sit down and put letters to thoughts. Today is a beautiful day and thoughts are escaping me, I can't seem to remember what I was going to write about. 
Have you ever thought about why the last book we reach to read is often the books that will benefit us the most by reading them? Textbooks, Bible, other encouraging books. I recently finished yet another novel and said I have nothing left to read but then I remembered I have a Bible. 66 books. All at my disposal whenever I want something to read I have the privileged of living in a country that allows me to be able to carry a Bible and read it freely. The Bible contains many stories that cover the vast spectrum of any type of story that you would ever want to read. Why is it that the Bible is most often the book we only open when we are experiencing struggles and don't ever just read for the pleasure of the stories. The Bible has the best author that ever existed and is the best selling book in the world. The power in the book has been recognized by those that oppose the Faith and because they realize the power, that is why certain country's ban the Bible. 
Just something to think about...

Friday, April 13, 2012


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest Matthew 11:28
Tonight I wrote. Pen, paper, thoughts flowed in illegible cursive. The forgotten penmanship.
I'm sorry I haven't been faithful writing on here but life has been busy.