Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Update on Life

Busy life, back to the hustle and bustle of school work. Now I'm sitting in economics class and don't even understand what this guy is saying cause he is Chinese so I figured I might as well take some time to write down what has been going on in my life. It has been almost 2 weeks since I last attempted to write. Since then I have begun my sophomore year of college and am slowly adapting to the chaotic lifestyle of dorm living with 70 other girls. If there is one thing I am beginning to learn is that people come from all walks of life and you just never realize how strange some people are until you take the time to sit down in a room and get to know them. Seriously there are some strange people on my hall this year, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. This past week has been full of challenges and adjustments; finding classes, fixing schedules and trying to fit in time for God and exercise. I went to Blue Ridge church this past Sunday and it just so happened to be their baptism service. I have felt the Lord calling me to get baptised all summer but have never found the time to get dunked. This year I definitely want to get baptized no more shame and fear of hypocrisy. Also this week I attended a mission trip meeting. Never would I ever consider going anywhere, I don't even like vacations, but the Lord was calling me and tugging at my heart to consider going on a trip and just be bold for Him. As luck would have it Tuesday night we have required Prayer Groups, so I went to my group and realized that my leader is a super missionary. She spent the past 2 years just trusting God and traveling the world spreading His love. Could be a coincidence but I believe this is Gods way of telling me just do it, just go, just fully commit to trusting me. So Ethiopia, is where I believe God is calling me to go next summer. Share Gods love with orphans through playing sports, and just bonding with them. Last year, I learned reliance upon God and how to depend on Him for everything because He will ever abandon me. This year I believe I am learning to trust and step out for Him and allow His will for my life to happen.

Back to blahh

Well its that time of year again, children eagerly grabbing their backpacks and the squeeking of new shoes echoing down the halls. The return to school, a time of year that parents love and kids hate. Back to learning and order and homework. The positives of going back to school are getting to see those friends that you havnt seen and learning new things along the way. New experiances that will mold the character and test the determination and perseverance of all those that are still working on their education. As a child I loved going to school and getting to hang out with all my friends again and even the learning part wasnt all that bad because it was something to do. Now that I am old and maybe been hardened with age I dont enjoy learning the passion for learning has evaporated along the way. It still is a great joy in getting to see my friends and get caught up on life, but for the most part it is really not a joy sitting around waiting to learn.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Literary Enchantment

Many people claim they hate reading. If thats the case then can anyone explain to me this, if reading is as wretched as people make it sound, then why are there so many movies that are based off of books? The greatest complament an author can recieve is that someone wants to make their story come alive by creating it into a movie. Movies have broadened the audience that books alone could never have reached. If you think about the great top selling movies, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Twilight, all of them are based off of books that great authors have written. The ability to write and captivate people to the point of consumption and indulge them fully into the story to the point where they feel for the characters destiny, is a talent that most film directors cant quite grasp. Because peoples imaginations cant be displayed no matter how much money is spent on the film. Your imagination is Priceless. Even with the sudden crazy in making Marvel superhero movies, lets face it comic books are still books. And what everyone has been thinking is why in the world would they remake spiderman (again)? Ah i just dont know... anyways I love to read and think all people should pick books for themselves before sterotyping all books as borring just because teachers pick bad books. If you go to the bookstore and look around you really will be amazed at all the vast selections they have. I know my mind was blown when i was in the bookstore the other night, people actually go there for leisure and spend hours there. Yeah the thoought did cross my mind that maybe they are super cheap and wont buy the book so they just loiter and read it there. But for the most part people looked like they were enjoying the books, not just the coffee :) So i guess what im saying is that dont judge a book by a crappy movie and if you hate to read then why are you reading my blog? Is this a waste of time maybe ha just maybe. But like me, authors write some good things sometimes so why not give them a chance. Go buy a book!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Biblical Bank

I am thoroughly convinced that if you make time for Gods will to have a chance at happening in your life that He will bless your life. Bless it more than you ever could have fathomed it becoming what God intended it to be. When you surrender to His plan above your own selfish desires, your allowing yourself to be open for His hands to use you for the greater good. Yes I know greater good sounds cheesy and I think superhero when i hear that phrase. I guess watching Captain America didn't help any lol
But for the past 4 weeks I have committed that I was eagerly gonna attend church and open my heart up to what the Lord is trying to teach me through the pastor. I learned about Lamenting in Lamentations, and the power that comes from open expressions of emotions to God. I learned about Gods strength in Ezekiel, and the sovereignty of God. I was amazed at the countless instances where the Bible talks about the Word of the Lord bringing life into things. Just this past weekend I learned a new view on Daniel. The basic Bible story of the fiery furnace struck home. My pastor said that the theme of Daniel is God's in charge. If you think about it that should be the theme of our lives also. God's in charge! What can we possibly justify worrying about when Gods plan is aligned with our plans?
Now what  I don't want you to think is that I'm saying is I believe in Karma. Because I do not. I believe in God providing for those who trust and place their faith in Him and in Him alone. This past year I personally have experienced countless times where I just had to say OK Lord I trust in what your doing with my life. And let me tell you for the most part my life has turned out better than it would have had I not trusted God. An example that I can think of is, sometimes I worry way too much about money and not making enough. But when I start to think  about that I simply just take a step back and remind myself God has reasons for why I run out of money, and He always provides for me. even in those times where I think I'm a useless bum in society. He uses others to show me no there is a reason for every situation in life. sometimes we as mere people can't understand why things happen until later in life when we look back and can directly see Gods hand at work.
So next time your thinking about what your gonna do in a sticky situation, bank on God. He is the only place where we can store our trust and reliability.