Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Update on Life

Busy life, back to the hustle and bustle of school work. Now I'm sitting in economics class and don't even understand what this guy is saying cause he is Chinese so I figured I might as well take some time to write down what has been going on in my life. It has been almost 2 weeks since I last attempted to write. Since then I have begun my sophomore year of college and am slowly adapting to the chaotic lifestyle of dorm living with 70 other girls. If there is one thing I am beginning to learn is that people come from all walks of life and you just never realize how strange some people are until you take the time to sit down in a room and get to know them. Seriously there are some strange people on my hall this year, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. This past week has been full of challenges and adjustments; finding classes, fixing schedules and trying to fit in time for God and exercise. I went to Blue Ridge church this past Sunday and it just so happened to be their baptism service. I have felt the Lord calling me to get baptised all summer but have never found the time to get dunked. This year I definitely want to get baptized no more shame and fear of hypocrisy. Also this week I attended a mission trip meeting. Never would I ever consider going anywhere, I don't even like vacations, but the Lord was calling me and tugging at my heart to consider going on a trip and just be bold for Him. As luck would have it Tuesday night we have required Prayer Groups, so I went to my group and realized that my leader is a super missionary. She spent the past 2 years just trusting God and traveling the world spreading His love. Could be a coincidence but I believe this is Gods way of telling me just do it, just go, just fully commit to trusting me. So Ethiopia, is where I believe God is calling me to go next summer. Share Gods love with orphans through playing sports, and just bonding with them. Last year, I learned reliance upon God and how to depend on Him for everything because He will ever abandon me. This year I believe I am learning to trust and step out for Him and allow His will for my life to happen.

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