Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Thoughts swarmed around my head like a car on a track,
always moving never slowing down for fear of breaking.
Damage could be done that would be irreplaceable
and to think that for a mere moment in time everything used to be fine.

The slow paced days of old have wilted and like the leaves on the trees fallen. As a leaf falls so does a chapter in ones life, or so I thought until around 2 months ago.

Ever have a day where everything in life confuses you and you just cant seem to remember which way is up or how things used to be? About 2 months ago I had one of those days. It was a brisk fall afternoon, when life spiraled into a direction that is terribly hard to get out of. I learned something about a very dear friend of mine that I'm not sure if I will ever be able to forget. How to move forward when the ghost of the past is ever present at every turn in the road? The logical first response was to pray about the situation, well I did and now the situation has completely changed but for the better none can judge. I find myself at a crossroads of sorts, turn down a street that I know every bump and speed limit or to take the highway and speed off onto a new unknown road. Fear or doubt or inability to forget that which I have known has placed me in this spot. As I gaze out my window at the melody of fall painted trees I reminisce about Fall's forgotten. Seasons for trees are unique in that unlike a flower that withers and dies instantly, trees express color and then fall to their crunchy death. Trees also have the stability of being evergreens and always staying put rooted and strong. I wish I were more like the evergreen and didn't change color's with the seasons and never fell to the cold times , but alas the season of my life is changing and I must decide weather to bundle up for the winter and bear the hard times and challenges of this action or to fall and fade into the ground and take the easy path that I know quite well.

I did not forsee this post going in this direction so there will be a part 2 when my head is cleared out.

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