Wednesday, February 22, 2012


February is supposed to be considered the month of love and heart disease awareness. Somehow I have missed this theme and given the month a new perspective.
The entire month of February I have been dwelling my thoughts on how I don't want to be at this stage in my life. I am still struggling to accept the destiny of why am I here at this college. This stage has been eventful and makes me ponder quite often more often than it should about choices. Personal choices that I have made that have impacted relationship[s with others and God. My relationship with God has taken a turn towards the nonchalant ah i know he is there but not really involving him in my life anymore. I have made choices that i know are supposed to be beneficial to my future and education that have instead left me feeling discouraged and more empty and alone. I know that this is one of the ways that Satan uses to undermine our confidence on Christ. In christ alone my hope is found he is my rock... so the song goes but sometimes you really just need to break down and cry out to him and be apologetic for not viewing him as your rock. I have experianced that feeling of helpless and just needing the Lords comforting hand. My recent revelation on life is that despite not wanting to be here and hating it, i realized how can i make those around me better how can i see their need and help them. Helping others is a gift to not only them but also i have found it make me feel good as well. Talk about a win win. So i would like to challenge you whomever you are when you feel like life sucks just find someone else that looks like their day hasnt gone their way and do something special for them. Making the best of every situation will help you in the end to find that sense of joy and fullfilment. Today I implimented this idea and bought my friend her favorite juice because she looked like she had a bad day. Considerateness is just as important as kindness, its like kindness in action. I hope this helps who ever reads this. Just my Perspective.

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