Friday, March 30, 2012


It has been said that you can tell a lot about a person by the choices they make. What the wear, what they eat, what type of car they drive but the most important deciding factor has to be who they associate with. Their is an old saying that says something along the lines of "birds of a feather flock together". Animals have a distinct instinct when they know someone has gone missing, and often will never leave one of their own alone in the world. Friendships are like animal packs, never leave a man behind. If one of your friends is struggling or hurting in anyway you should be the friend they need that hits them with the hard questions and is there to help them through the tough situation like animals do. Recently I have readdressed the idea of getting out of here because of the issues I have previously written about. If you have never gone to a Christian college or are still at that deciding point of what to do after you graduate, I am going to advise you with the best advice. DO NOT pick the University on solely how easy it is to get accepted. Challenge yourself and really look into where YOU want to go because You will be the person actually attending classes there and spending part of your life in that environment. My experience at this University has been quite the roller-coaster experience. I still to this day have to trust God in every choice I make. For the past week and a half I have been stubborn and honestly thought I could decide for myself where and what I am doing with my life. It is MY life, and MY lie that I was believing about the grass being greener at home on the other side at a state school. I honestly thought that I could control lifes twists and turns and I could be adult and get what I want my way. Fortunatly God taught me the best lesson I really needed to learn I AM HERE FOR A PURPOSE, and only He knows what that purpose is and how I am going to play into that scheme. 

Monday, March 12, 2012


Throughout the course of time people have often wondered about the possibility of time travel, and if it were possible would they given the option go back in their lives and change anything. I think that as cliche as the phrase the past makes you who you are today is somewhat true. If I hadn't had such a terrible time in high school and written everyone off my senior year, I would never have thrown myself fully into college friendships and never would have opened up to meet the great friends I am blessed with. At the same time I do try and connect with the people I remained friends with in High School, but someway or another it does not end up working out. I suppose that's fate for ya you try and be kind and right the wrongs you committed in your youth and show them you are a changed person and try to rekindle friendships for what for them to blow you off every chance you try and reach out to them. That's life. People dishing out the karma you are dealt and having to respond in a loving Christ like attitude and not just write them off again. Honestly that is life and people will always be holding a grudge about how they were treated back in the day and no matter how badly you improve yourself and try to make changes for the better it will just never be enough and people will never forget or even forgive.  That is why it is extremely important to remain faithful and consistent with the relationships you have. Don't burn the bridge and expect to cross back over it again because that will never happen. May this advice help you to stay out of the dead zone with your friends. 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Refreshing Refurbishment

Partly cloudy day, is the best way to describe what today is. Cloudy outside and cloudy inside my head. Today I take the time to reflect back to the title of this BLOG, the idea of PERSEVERANCE. How to keep moving forward and what choices that have to be made to keep progressing. Throughout our lives there are those situations that arise that make us have to decide one way or another. Choices that have to be made despite what level of sound thinking you have at that time. Opportunity arise everyday where a choice has to be made, the severity of the repercussions fro those choices is something to be considered. Today I turned to the Word of God to help me clear up this idea of Perseverance. I found that the New Testament alone has addressed this idea many a time. JAMES 5:11 As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job’s perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. Everyone knows the story of Job was infused with constant trials and pain and the Lord came through for him on every occasion. In Romans 5:3-4  the idea of remaining faithful and confident in our faith is presented; Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope. That's right they rejoiced in their suffering, and their character was enhanced because of it. In Revelations this idea of perseverance is addressed and commended.Revelations 2:2 I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.
You might be asking yes Perseverance is important but why write about this now? Well I think that there comes a time when everyone hits that wall where they don't want to do something they know they should, as a college student it is clearly studying. People of all ages need to be reminded of the truth in the Word about continuing on in hard times and keeping consistent in the faith. :) Yes I titled it refurbishment because just like something old that is worn down and needs to be replaced we become that way spiritually when we are experiencing hard times, and just get old and burned out.