Monday, March 12, 2012


Throughout the course of time people have often wondered about the possibility of time travel, and if it were possible would they given the option go back in their lives and change anything. I think that as cliche as the phrase the past makes you who you are today is somewhat true. If I hadn't had such a terrible time in high school and written everyone off my senior year, I would never have thrown myself fully into college friendships and never would have opened up to meet the great friends I am blessed with. At the same time I do try and connect with the people I remained friends with in High School, but someway or another it does not end up working out. I suppose that's fate for ya you try and be kind and right the wrongs you committed in your youth and show them you are a changed person and try to rekindle friendships for what for them to blow you off every chance you try and reach out to them. That's life. People dishing out the karma you are dealt and having to respond in a loving Christ like attitude and not just write them off again. Honestly that is life and people will always be holding a grudge about how they were treated back in the day and no matter how badly you improve yourself and try to make changes for the better it will just never be enough and people will never forget or even forgive.  That is why it is extremely important to remain faithful and consistent with the relationships you have. Don't burn the bridge and expect to cross back over it again because that will never happen. May this advice help you to stay out of the dead zone with your friends. 

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