Thursday, December 6, 2012


Last week I had the opportunity to completely turn my life full circle. I told my testimony that many of you have read about my time in college. I shared this to four freshman girls and was amazed at the work that God had been doing in my life and theirs. 
Many of the girls were going through similar experiences that I had gone through my freshman year. Feeling of wanting out, not knowing why and overwhelmed with finals preparation. I found out this past Tuesday that one of the girls that was seriously considering transferring to another college made the decision to stay. God sure can use people if they are open to going through all of the experience that leads up and breaks you down. God breaks people to build them up in Him.
I am a witness of the work that God has done in my life alone. 
I hated the not knowing of why God choose to allow me to experience terrible times just 2 years ago. I hated everything about being at a Christian University, the blah of routine Christianity and the routine rules and regulations. I even didn't like the wishy washy people that were so fake in their walks with God.
God has open my eyes to the hurt and the broken and those that really havn't experienced the grace and mercy and overwhelming loving hands of God. 
I had a moment like this back in high school where I felt God telling me to stand up for a larger girl that was being bullied and I listened and stopped several of my friends from being just mean to her because she was different and a slow runner. She thanked me and later I overheard her talking about me, no not trash talking but genuine complements about how thankful she was I said something to those girls.
A seldom known fact is that I was overweight as a child and still feel for those who are still struggling with their weight. That is an insecurity that many people struggle with. I know that feeling of not good enough and really get upset when people pick on those that appear different. They know your talking about them and as the bible says "you look on the outside but God looks at the heart."
When we choose to allow God to use us, what he can do through us is incredible. Indescribable, really.SO where was I oh yeah, last tuesday when I was sharing my story I felt a peace that God gave me the right time and words to say to them and really felt like what I said was what God was saying to them through me.
Since then, I feel like God is telling me to stay open with them and allow opportunity's to encourage them to persevere and stay faithful that God's will is ultimately the best plan for their lives. We do not know when or how he reveals it to us but after the hard times always come the blessing. 
Share the Blessings this Season.

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