Monday, October 22, 2012


It's funny how at times the world can appear to be completely consumed with the idea of "us." The single self centered beings that many people fall into acting like is not at all a new idea. 
I was sitting in the Pew this past Sunday and I began to think about how God used the worst of the worst people to influence and impact His kingdom and further the advancement of the Gospel. Saul to Paul conversion was preached about and I began to think about how if the great God can change a heart like that from killing Christians to being a great preacher and writing most of the New Testament, why at times do I feel like God isn't able to use me or why is it that when I hear his call for my life to go out and be bold and step outside of my comfort zone I seldom if ever act upon it?
How many times have I ever sat back and instead of acting kind and compassionate just joked along and didn't step out and act as Christ would. 
The sad reality is that we all fall into the patterns of our daily life and get into a comfort zone of sorts and forget that we are the "Light of the World". This past week I experienced full circle Gods hand in my life and why I went through the experience of Hating being at college. I realized that God used that time and build me up through the rubble to now be able to encourage the Freshman in my prayer group that are just now going through that hard indecisive time. For the first time I felt lead to volunteer to tell my testimony... this is a major step forward for me really living my faith and is a great way to proclaim the good work that Christ has begun in me. As the Bible says "He who has begun a good work in you will carry it out until the day of completion." 
If we really let those words sink in we realize that the work has already been started the hard part is over Christ took on the task of all our sins of doubt and shame. He whisked away any good excuse that we could ever fathom as to why we shouldn't be out proclaiming the good peace that comes from our savior. Procrastination is not an option that we as the Saved believers should be implicating. 
With that being said the self centered idea of "us" is that the only we in our lives should be that relationship that is Christ in me = we.
Cheesy as that sounded as it passed through my fingers onto the screen, if you think it through it is true. SO what I guess I am saying is that I am guilty of this too, not stepping out and being bold for the  Lord. 
Perseverance throughout diversity produces diligence in uncertainty which leads to wisdom.

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