Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Eye on the Prize

Whether or not anyone man possesses the ability to humble themselves to place there enemy’s overall well being and happiness above themselves indeed is a mystery to be perplexed upon. But to add the element of morals and the entire cliché phrase what would Jesus do really complicates a simple choice that people are often faced with. To include or not to include that is the question. To take up the oath fake it until you make it… or to leave a man behind and continue on the path of fun and adapt the slight selfishness that could be mistaken as inconsideration? To die to sleep to sleep aye perchance dream and in that dream shuffle off this mortal coil aye there’s the rub that dissolves all of lives inquirers. The greater prize that draws us heavenward, demands greatness in character but when faced with the possible persecution and peril of the jeopardy of rejection or worse yet leeching, the biblical figure of Paul comes to mind. Giving all that he had to advance the kingdom of god at the highest price of his life makes the decision to give kindness at the risk of reputation seems feeble. I know why the caged bird sings, I know the feelings of sorrow abandonment disappointment even the general homesickness. The fear or should I say hesitation to yet again take the high road or to continue on this path has lead me to a standstill. Exclusion… the mere mention of the word gives off that cold pallid look onto the unsuspecting passersby. Context can remain unknown and the intended effect of such a word is still very much accounted for. The ideal of feeling alone has even been showcased in the media, as the underdog. Everyone loves to root for the underdog but who is truly on their side before they ascend up to their notoriety? Who is the genuine person that is there for them when the need someone to talk to someone that truly cares that they can trust to legitimately open up to about what is going on in their lives? WHO. If the world persists in the selfish me centered nature that embodies a majority of Americans today, the underdogs that everyone loves to root for will give up and loose the name of action and with a bare bodkin end it all. The inevitable will occur, people will eventually begin to believe that they have no value and will isolate and eventually cease to exist. Humility for humanity. A simple concept of taking the time of day to assist someone in need can change a person’s life, even if it seems ridiculous and ridicule occurs during the process stay strong and reassured knowing the battle vs. flesh shall pass away. Eye on the prize.

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