Friday, May 27, 2011

"At last my world has come to pass” lyrics from the great soul singer from the late 1920’s?

This is the reason I started Blogging...

After viewing the king’s speech movie and the impact that particular movie had upon my life was just this in a strange way it brought me back to a speech given in class by a kid who is living his dream and has his own electronic magazine. I believe he said something like this “any person who truly wants to be good at their craft must practice every day. Always be writing never stop improving “- Charles Peters. This combined with the message of perseverance that was evident all throughout the kings speech made me ponder. And I came to the rationalization that I have numerous thought that swarm the hall of my head I really should express them in the form of writing. So tonight under the shadows of the moonlight fields I decided to start a blog where I can post my thought and a tweeter for the amusement of my sister not because I car to creep on people and constantly know what they are doing but to see how it goes.  I honestly have no interest in social networking this summer it actually depresses me to know that people are off having fun with their friends and let’s face it I have no friends in my area. That is my reality. It stung at first to write but the facts are 100+ people from this area I’m supposed facebook friends with and if I were to die tomorrow they wouldn’t even notice I was missing. This is the unfortunate sign of the times.

May 23, 2011

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