Friday, May 27, 2011

Friendship? Genuine or Counterfeit?

About 90% of people in the world have a facebook. But in reality those whom we call "friends" on facebook, about what percentage of them do we actually consider to be real "friends"? Letme take the time to define friend. Trusty defines friend as "a person attached to another by feelings or affection or personal reguard"also it says that a friend is "a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter" or perhaps the most common definition of friend is "a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile". The first definition of what a friend should be is the most accurate to how i will use the term friend. The second defanition i would interpret as a friend thats only around when convient. Everyone has those types of friends the one way oh if you fit in my schudle then ok if not well maybe later. Lastly the definition of friend that most use when friending someone on facebook. Oh they seem nice, i guess they count toward my tally of 500+ friends. But inreality are they genuine friends? do they really care about your best interests? Are they affirming you positivily building you up encouraging you to grow as a person toward the potential best you? This is something to think about when sitting on Facebook for who even knows how long. How many times have you ever sat home wondering gee i have soo many facebook friends but yet no one to hang out with in real life? Thats a sad reality that i bet most can relate with. The remedy for this you might be wondering is simple. Many people can probally relate to this issue and the remedy lies within each person. a level of self evaluation and a clear conviction about who do you really want to continue to make the effort for? who is worth taking the time and consideration to make the type of friendship develop and last. This must be considered because let me tell the honest truth, one way friendships are not worth it and are not what people should have to put up with in life. Face it you deserve better everyone deserves genuine friendship. Give others a chance but predetermine where the line is for you going all the way and the other person you alleged "friend" just using you. Think about it.

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