Thursday, June 30, 2011


Yes I know what your thinking its July why is this titled Christmas. Well its not even Christmas in July, but still I was thinking about this today while standing around doing nothing at work. In between being burned by a popcorn machine and watching a guy wield a blow torch yes interesting sights at the movie theater, i got to thinking about holidays and thought of Christmas and the good old stereotype of Jews being the only people that go to the movies then. I thought why is it that people only take one day out of the year to remember Jesus birth? Can't you remember that everyday? Or better yet shouldn't you remember that event everyday? It would appear that most of the people that celebrate Christmas don't even know or take the time to significantly commemorate the birth of our savior. They merely just take the free day off and spend spend spend on all of those gifts that people really don't even need. Everyday anyone can remember the ultimate gift, ya really don't need a day off or to spend extreme amounts of money on useless gifts. Just something to think about when your doing nothing and getting paid for it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Maybe its a terrible idea to listen to Adele while chatting with a long lost close friend haha but it has its bright sides.
 I asked him what do you think about when life gets hectic?
 thats been the question i been dealing with recently

 what do you mean?

 like when your alone and life is finally surrounding you in silence and ya get to thinking about life what is the theme?wheres the purpose that drives you to get back up and keep on pushing along the path of dismal tough life

 honestly i dont really know I just have this feeling inside that I know things will get better and that everything that happenes is for a reason and it only gives me wisdom i really dont know what it is but one thing that does come into my head that helps put everything into perspective is my future family
 interesting. i bet ya never thought about that, i realized that in life most people need others to ask the hard questions because they themselves would otherwise never venture to face the reality of what they"re going through and what truely motivates them. And as a result of asking others the real questions of life perspective is given on my own life and i dont know i just came to realize that. so yeah

 so what drives you?

 my faith. as cheesey as that sounds lately i have realized thats all i really have in life, it never leaves me or ignores me or abandons me. always with me always supportive and understanding and full of wisdom i cant even tell you how many times i have actually found specfic verses in the bible that have helped me when i felt like life sucks and just hopeless. this summer i read through the entire book of psalms cover to cover and i realized that david's life wasnt fantastic either. he was choose by God but didnt live the dream life. there were times when he was lonly and depressed but found his comfort in God. so i figured i should also and being away at school really taught me that. I had no one down in virginia, but i had to surive and break down walls and let people in and trust them because i didnt have a safty net of my family. so that helped put life into perspective. so my faith drives me to continue on the path only God knows where that will take me.
So the question I want all of you to consider is what drives you?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well I did it. I took the time to look at the list of goals that I had set for this summer, and I came to the conclusion that surprisingly I have actually accomplished 10/19 goals for this summer. The final 9 goals are still a work in progress but with a bit more determination I think anything is possible. "I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus" Philippians 3:14

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pslam and Habits

Well I finally did it, I completed reading the entire book of psalm. It only took me a little over a month, but the wisdom that I have gained from partaking in this immense undertaking I wouldn't trade for anything. Or the time back that it took me to study this book. That's right I said study, yes I am aware that one shouldn't be studying over the summer vacation but this was actually a joy to do. I despise academic studying really but this is like pleasure reading( reading a book for fun, not because its required) and I really obtained a lot of knowledge from this.  I think everyone should set goals in life. Having a clear purpose of something that you want to obtain is extremely beneficial to helping a person feel that sense of accomplish that most ambitious people desire. So what will your summer goals be? While camping last month, I wrote my goals down and since then I gotta be honest I haven't checked back at that list so I think I will and let ya know how I'm doing with my goals. Everyone needs accountability and finding an outlet for that either by writing or talking with someone you respect you will find if someones asking about it you are more likely to do it and continue to do it. A preacher once told me it takes about 7 weeks to create a habit.  What will you do in the next 7 weeks?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A mere observation

So I just got home from working a 6hr shift. Many people came and left while I was working without purchasing anything at all. That's fine but I do find it interesting the types of people that did purchase items at my concession stand. Usually people can be and most of the time are sterotyped; but when dealing with concessions ya never know whos going to walk up and drop like $30+ and then continue onward. I like the element of uncertanty, never knowing who might be next or what there going to want to buy. Most people in life have become very predictable, and no longer posess that special element of wow uniqueness. How many times if you were honest with yourself have you ever bought the same thing over and over and never ventured out to try anything new? This idea of trying new things carries over to all of lives endevors. If you think about it, how did you find out what you liked in the first place, wasn't it new the first time? Yes, and because of the adventurous side that dwells in all mankind, trying new things is often a thrilling experiance. So wheather its trying a new combo at the next concession stand you walk up to or trying a new ride at an amusement park or anything really just take the leap of faith and give it a shot. Whatever you try might just become your new favorite thing.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Death Knocks

Death knocks its cold pale hand against the window,
Seeping through amidst the draft of the gentle breeze
to clench its next victim.
Lying unsuspecting in the cradle of life
robbed of the calm air rhythmically pulsing in and out
of lungs white as the snow that lie beneath the window.
Blood rushing like water on the titanic,
swells and swirls amidst the preexisting swirls
that once were vivid with life
now circumference the mechanism of life
slowly choked out by the cold pale hand itself.

 This is a poem that I wrote after awakening from a terrible nightmare. In my dream the hand of death snatched y beloved sister. Once I realized it was just a mere dream, not reality I was inspire to write. Lately this idea of how death snatched the unsuspecting through tragic occurrences has hit home. Many people experience loss of a loved one, and the way that people handle loss varies by person. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol for comfort and others unfortunately live their lives in denial of anything changing. In reality everything changes when someone that you are close to dies. Whether that person chooses to accept the loss, and healthy deal with the feelings of loss is up to them. People may try to be there and support the person who is grieving but essentially only the person knows when and how the best way to grieve and how long healthy grieving will be needed. To rush a persons grieving time is completely selfish and the worst possible thing that a caring friend could ever do. If you or someone is experiencing grief or loss of any kind i would strongly encourage you to seek the council of the Scriptures. You really would be surprised how many topics the Bible addresses and how if you earnestly seek the Lord; he will provide you with the proper guidance that you need for any situation in life. This knowledge that the Lord is always on your side throughout your many travels of life should inspire you to live everyday with the confidence and overwhelming joy to live everyday as if it were going to be your last. "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone" ~ Matthew 24:36