Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Maybe its a terrible idea to listen to Adele while chatting with a long lost close friend haha but it has its bright sides.
 I asked him what do you think about when life gets hectic?
 thats been the question i been dealing with recently

 what do you mean?

 like when your alone and life is finally surrounding you in silence and ya get to thinking about life what is the theme?wheres the purpose that drives you to get back up and keep on pushing along the path of dismal tough life

 honestly i dont really know I just have this feeling inside that I know things will get better and that everything that happenes is for a reason and it only gives me wisdom i really dont know what it is but one thing that does come into my head that helps put everything into perspective is my future family
 interesting. i bet ya never thought about that, i realized that in life most people need others to ask the hard questions because they themselves would otherwise never venture to face the reality of what they"re going through and what truely motivates them. And as a result of asking others the real questions of life perspective is given on my own life and i dont know i just came to realize that. so yeah

 so what drives you?

 my faith. as cheesey as that sounds lately i have realized thats all i really have in life, it never leaves me or ignores me or abandons me. always with me always supportive and understanding and full of wisdom i cant even tell you how many times i have actually found specfic verses in the bible that have helped me when i felt like life sucks and just hopeless. this summer i read through the entire book of psalms cover to cover and i realized that david's life wasnt fantastic either. he was choose by God but didnt live the dream life. there were times when he was lonly and depressed but found his comfort in God. so i figured i should also and being away at school really taught me that. I had no one down in virginia, but i had to surive and break down walls and let people in and trust them because i didnt have a safty net of my family. so that helped put life into perspective. so my faith drives me to continue on the path only God knows where that will take me.
So the question I want all of you to consider is what drives you?

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