Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pslam and Habits

Well I finally did it, I completed reading the entire book of psalm. It only took me a little over a month, but the wisdom that I have gained from partaking in this immense undertaking I wouldn't trade for anything. Or the time back that it took me to study this book. That's right I said study, yes I am aware that one shouldn't be studying over the summer vacation but this was actually a joy to do. I despise academic studying really but this is like pleasure reading( reading a book for fun, not because its required) and I really obtained a lot of knowledge from this.  I think everyone should set goals in life. Having a clear purpose of something that you want to obtain is extremely beneficial to helping a person feel that sense of accomplish that most ambitious people desire. So what will your summer goals be? While camping last month, I wrote my goals down and since then I gotta be honest I haven't checked back at that list so I think I will and let ya know how I'm doing with my goals. Everyone needs accountability and finding an outlet for that either by writing or talking with someone you respect you will find if someones asking about it you are more likely to do it and continue to do it. A preacher once told me it takes about 7 weeks to create a habit.  What will you do in the next 7 weeks?

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