Sunday, June 19, 2011

A mere observation

So I just got home from working a 6hr shift. Many people came and left while I was working without purchasing anything at all. That's fine but I do find it interesting the types of people that did purchase items at my concession stand. Usually people can be and most of the time are sterotyped; but when dealing with concessions ya never know whos going to walk up and drop like $30+ and then continue onward. I like the element of uncertanty, never knowing who might be next or what there going to want to buy. Most people in life have become very predictable, and no longer posess that special element of wow uniqueness. How many times if you were honest with yourself have you ever bought the same thing over and over and never ventured out to try anything new? This idea of trying new things carries over to all of lives endevors. If you think about it, how did you find out what you liked in the first place, wasn't it new the first time? Yes, and because of the adventurous side that dwells in all mankind, trying new things is often a thrilling experiance. So wheather its trying a new combo at the next concession stand you walk up to or trying a new ride at an amusement park or anything really just take the leap of faith and give it a shot. Whatever you try might just become your new favorite thing.

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