Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sentiments of years past

It's no surprise to anyone that knows me that I am a sentimental pack rat. I collect random items from all sorts of events and things and places that i have been to or have participated in. Movie ticket stubs are my favorite thing to keep. I enjoy looking back and remembering not only the movie that i viewed but also who i went with and the entire evening i can remember based solely off the small ticket stub. Most of the items i have held onto over the years get shoved in a drawer or on top of my desk. When i clean my room i get the great opportunity of going through those items and remembering all the memories that coincide with that particular object. (i know your probably thinking wow what a hoarder) but no its really not that bad of a collection its just all random things. Anyway tonight i happened to be reminiscing while sitting at my desk and i noticed a small book next to my yearbooks on my shelf. so i picked it up and flipped through the pages. the first 5 or so pages were all scripture verses that had excellent purpose about life lessons that my mother had made me write down when i was a child. the other pages appeared to be a diary of sorts from a long time ago, the summer before i entered high school. It was really interesting to read and realize the immense change that has transpired in my life since then and the similarity's that still exist today in my life. After reading it i knew i had to write in it. Call me crazy but the book demanded an update on my life so i took literally 20min and updated this little unknown diary of mine. It was great writing pen and paper something i seldom do. Knowing that computers may change and crash over the years and that this little book that has somehow lasted all these years will probably still exist in another 5 years is fantastic. I cant wait to see where my life will have lead me and how i have changed in another 5 years. Okay your probably wondering what this has to do with sentiments of years past and where the usual biblical integration is well... the bible was written and survived thousands of years, i encourage you to write your story because everyone has a story and put it somewhere its not read daily and to have the opportunity to look back is life changing and everyone can learn from even their own mistakes of the past. I know i sure have. Just think when your old you can read it and remember the days of your youth and the memories both good and bad will live on forever in written ink.

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