Sunday, June 5, 2011

Song Symbolance

In today's world many people would agree with the statement: Music is selected based on beat not lyrics. If a song has a catchy beat that you can dance to and stays in your head than its deemed good music. But if you ever have read the book of Psalm in the Bible, this book has all songs but absolutely no beats. No hints left at all about how they were originally intended to be played. David leaves us with the words, the lyrics to the songs. These come to us in the form of praise songs and songs of woe and desperation to God. David realized the importance of meaning in songs, a thing that not many people still value. I personally struggle with the desire to listen to explicit music, valuing the beat over the content. Have you ever stopped to listen to what your favorite song is actually saying? I bet its not uplifting or encouraging. But yet mindlessly we all sing along to the top songs of the decade and think nothing of it. My favorite aspect to Davids writing is the fact that he showcased the good times and the times of trail and hopelessness. Davids message of repentance and the refuge that can be found in God alone is timeless and should make us all think about the choices we are making even just in music alone.I'm not saying abandon all popular music, I'm merely suggesting take the time to truly listen and what you might find is Jesus speaking saying "delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4.

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